And we have a new leaderboard champion. Sneaking past Hitchcock's criss-crosstastic Strangers On A Train by the matter of a tenth of a point is our new vertiginous champ, 1988's genre-defining Die Hard, with a Rickmanter Scale reading of 7.9*. The only worrying element of this of course, is if you were to pitch a movie that combined both elements of our top two movies, you'd have Under Siege 2, and that can't be good. But this victory has its cost, two of Die Hard's top supporting players are no longer with us, so this, I'm sure temporary, time at the top is dedicated to
Paul "Barry Manilow's Wardrobe" Gleason and
Alexander "Maestro" Godunov.
Yippy-ky-ay guys, yippy-ky-ay.
*Can cause serious damage over large areas.
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